Are You Thirsty?

Are You Thirsty?

Does your soul cry out for comfort and peace? Have you been in pain for so long that you don’t even know what life would be like if that pain disappeared? Maybe you’ve tried everything to fill that void. You’d give anything to feel numb for a while. Perhaps you’ve swallowed so much alcohol that, amazingly, you are still alive. Have you been high for so long that you can’t even remember what life was like when you were drug-free? What are your vices? What are you looking for to satisfy you? What are you using, hoping that it will help you escape?

Did you know that these vices can’t sustain you? Only God can. Ephesians 5:18And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirt;” without our Father’s living water working and flowing within us, we will forever be thirsty. You see, my friends, without the Holy Spirit, our souls will wander from one miss guided directly to the next. 1st John 2:15Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him“. You see, when we replace our Father with vices, we are putting our trust and our faith in our vices. We are, in a sense, saying that these things will fix and cure our problems, and maybe, for the time being, they will. Maybe that last drink will numb out the pain for a little while, but it won’t last. Sooner or later, without the help of our Father, our problems will come back.

Dear readers, I don’t know what your vices are. I don’t know what has taken the place of God in your life. What I do know is that we all have vices. We all have things that can quickly turn into addictions if were not careful. So what do we do when we realize that we’ve allowed other things to take the Father’s place in our lives? We have to get down on our knees. We have to cry out to him. We have to seek his love and forgiveness. We have to be willing to admit that without him, we are lost. We have to humble ourselves and say that we can’t do it alone. We need him because he’s the only one that can help us. He’s the only one that can truly make all of our pain away.

Psalm 34:15The eyes of the Lord are towards the righteousness and his ears towards their cry“. Maybe you feel like God no longer hears you. Perhaps you’ve even asked God are you still listening. Do you even care? Maybe you’ve prayed so many times, but your prayers for freedom and release from your troubles just haven’t happened yet. Don’t lose heart, dear readers. Some things take time. We are impatient people by nature. We want instant gratification, but you see, God doesn’t work like that. Ecclesiastes 3:1For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven“. You might be in a season of darkness, doubt, and confusion. Waiting on the Lord’s perfect timing can be hard. Take heart, though, because you are still seen. You are still heard, and you are still loved. He knows the pain that you are feeling. He loves you, and he wants to free you from it all. Isaiah 40:31But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” When you feel like you can’t go on, lean on him. He will give you his strength, and if you let him, he will heal you. The question is will you let him? Jesus is still calling! Will you answer him? The choice is yours and yours alone.

Father, the world is hurting. The world is full of so much pain. We need you, Father. We need you so much. Father, please speak to the hearts of the lost and the ones who feel like they’re forgotten. Whisper word’s of truth and love in their ears. Tell them that it’s time to let go of their vice’s. It’s time to drink from your water. It’s time to invite your Holy Spirit in. You want to fill them with your love and goodness. You want to make them new. You want to free them from all of their fears and self-doubts. Fix them, Father. Make them new creations. The old is gone. It’s passed away. It’s time to look forward. It’s time to look ahead. It’s time to live in the light. No more hiding in the darkness! You were created for so much more than that. John 4:14But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life“.

Author: Nadia M. Walker
Editor: JJ Michael Smith

God bless,

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1 thought on “Are You Thirsty?”

  1. That was sooo good.

    Praise the Lord.

    I am thirsty.


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