How Do We Forgive?

How Do We Forgive?

You just found out that your best friend of over 8 years has spread rumors and lies about you. You were shocked when you found out. Coming to that realization felt like a slap to the face and a knife to your heart. You want to forgive, but your not sure how.

Time passes, and you still haven’t been able to forgive your friend. Every time you think about how they’ve hurt you, you feel angry, resentful, and bitter. You don’t understand how or why they would do something like this. You feel stuck in a sea of self-destructive thoughts and feelings.

You’re, not alone dear readers. Many people struggle with forgiveness. Many people feel like they don’t know how to let go. The first step is to admit that you can’t do it alone. These thoughts and feelings that you’ve been wrestling with there bigger than you, but they’re not bigger than God. He can handle them. You can’t! The second step is to admit that you need him to help you. You need to get down on your knees and cry out to him. I promise you he hears you, and he is always listening. He wants you to give him all of your thoughts and feelings. He wants to free you from all of them. Isaiah 41:10 ~ Fear Not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, help you, and uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Let’s take a look at Esau. Just like you and I struggle with forgiveness, so did Esau. Esau was consumed by jealousy and hatred for his twin brother Jacob. Their mother, Rebbeka, loved Jacob more than she loved Esau. Jacob tricked Esau out of his birthright and blessing. Clearly, Esau had a lot of feelings that he was wrestling with. It’s no wonder that he wanted revenge. At one point, he hated Jacob so much that he wanted him dead, but God didn’t let any harm come to Jacob. God spoke to Esau’s heart. God took away all of that jealousy, hurt, and envy. Thanks to God, Esau was able not just to forgive Jacob but embrace him with love.

It’s hard to embrace someone that’s hurt us with love and forgiveness. It’s hard to feel anything but anger and resentment. The trouble is that prolonged anger can lead to hate and bitterness. Ephesians 4:31-32 ~ 31Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice. 32Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

We are called to forgive, but to do that, we have to let go of everything that’s trying to hold us captive. My friend, what has taken hold of you? What has twisted, tangled, and ensnared its way around your heart and soul? What do you need to let go of today? What do you need to hand over to God and not be tempted to pick up again? If it’s jealousy, let it go. If it’s anger, let it go. If it’s bitterness, let it go. No matter what it is, it’s time for you to let it go.

You are a child of God, and you aren’t called to live this way. Trust that he has the power to heal you. Seek counseling from trusted followers in Christ. If you ask them, I’m sure that they would be more than willing to help you in any way that they can. Don’t give up! Hope can always be found in our Lord and Savior. Proverbs 3:5-6 ~ 5Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path.

Author: Nadia M. Walker
Editor: JJ Michael Smith

God bless,

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3 thoughts on “How Do We Forgive?”

  1. Yes, I agree.

    Very well.

    Praise be to God for your words, girl that touched my heart.


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