They Will Hate You!

People Will Hate You!

Oh boy, you clicked on this blog, wondering what the heck is going on here! Well, let me take a few of your minutes to tell you that John 15:18 states, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” You’re now wondering who said that. It was Jesus! Yep, Jesus said that, so don’t shoot the messenger! Take it from me when you are as bold as a Lion, people will hate you. People hate me for no reason other than seeing my light shine, which I will not hide under no bushel but will always let shine, and the darkness hates the light. Always has!

See, all you have to do is speak the Word, which is the truth, and people will hate you. They hate the truth as nothing can stand against the Word of the Lord. If you aren’t living by God’s Word, you are in the darkness, and darkness can’t stand the light, so it takes over when light hits the dark. I know this from experience, especially with religious people who say they prayed for you to come to be a part of their ministry, say they love you, and hug your neck but, behind your back, speak ignorant things about you and go against God’s plan once they find out how bold you are. I have had many Pastors come against me repeatedly and so-called friends who turned their back on me just because I spoke the truth. They even have tried to ruin my business with lies and deceit, and let me tell you what the Lord has done with that! Business is booming! Why? Because I never stopped speaking the truth!

I never really understood why people hated me until one day, God said they hated me first, son. It’s OK if they hate you. I was but God, I want everyone to like and love me, and he said son, I love you, and that is all that matters. I will deal with the haters who go against my Word, and when I send you somewhere, and they talk about you and go against you that I have sent, I will deal with them. Well, that’s all I needed to hear, but it doesn’t make it easy, let me tell you. You always want people to love you, but remember what Jesus said above? They hated me first! So if they hate Jesus and I follow Jesus, they will hate you and me. All you need to do is focus on what God has called you to do, no matter who comes against you, as God got this.

But you’re saying to me, isn’t God love? He is, but when you speak truth against darkness, you stand for His Word and message, and people living in darkness will come against you. I know a few people that can’t stand the thought of anyone hating them, so they only speak about God’s love and nothing that would offend anybody. Let me tell you something; I call that cotton candy preaching, and when you only talk about things that don’t offend people, then I think you need to shut your mouth, as cotton candy preaching isn’t helping anyone. Many Christians will wake up in Hell because of people who preached a lukewarm gospel, but that is for another day, time, and subject.

As I wrap this up, I want you to know God loves you, and if you live by His Word, people will come against you and hate you for no reason, which is OK. That means you are on the right track! That is why I love the Word of the Lord. In everything we face daily, His Word tells us about it, so nothing should surprise us because we have the manual, which is His Word. God’s Word is something you can stand on 100% of the time and take to the bank! God is not a man who should lie, and His Word will always be fulfilled.

Author: The Holy Spirit
Editor: JJ Michael Smith

God bless,

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